Social and Strategic Design

Workshop Facilitation

A little look into a variety of workshops I have done for different target groups and participants.

For my thesis I explored how emotions can be portrayed through shapes and colours. Here I asked the participants to feel the different shapes and associate emotions to the objects.

For my thesis I explored how emotions can be portrayed through shapes and colours. Here I asked the participants to feel the different shapes and associate emotions to the objects.

Another example of a workshop I conducted for my thesis, where the participants connected emotions to different attributes.

A remote workshop I did with the kitchen at Kolding hospital understanding the communication between patients and the kitchen.

A remote workshop I did with the kitchen at Kolding hospital understanding the communication between patients and the kitchen.

A box with ideation materials I delivered to the hospital kitchen for a remote brainstorming workshop.

A box with ideation materials I delivered to the hospital kitchen for a remote brainstorming workshop.

A set of cards made for a project with Syrian refugees allowing them to describe the differences between their old home in Syria and new home in Denmark

A set of cards made for a project with Syrian refugees allowing them to describe the differences between their old home in Syria and new home in Denmark

Conducting a workshops with a group of students aged 11-15 about the future of their student council.

Conducting a workshops with a group of students aged 11-15 about the future of their student council.

Visualising and building the future for the community house at Børnes Jord in Aarhus.

Visualising and building the future for the community house at Børnes Jord in Aarhus.

A lantern making workshop encouraging community interaction at Børnes Jord in Aarhus.

A lantern making workshop encouraging community interaction at Børnes Jord in Aarhus.

A poster workshop with teenagers aged 12-15 about how they imagine their ideal hangout spaces.

A poster workshop with teenagers aged 12-15 about how they imagine their ideal hangout spaces.