Social and Strategic Design

About me

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Nice to meet you

I am Marie.



I’m Marie and I believe to design great things, we should work with each other, not for each other. 

I am educated as an Industrial Designer, but have shifted towards the field of Social and Service Design because for me, design is a social activity. Working collaboratively with others and creating together has always been a passion of mine. Consequently, I studied Design for People at Designskolen Kolding which has allowed me to solve societal challenges and issues in a creative manner. Currently I work at Designskolen Kolding and am connected to the 4D Picture project, with the aim to improve the cancer patient journey and design for better healthcare experiences.

I have always had an interest in how design thinking and design methods can be adapted and translated into other fields of work as well, as I believe these methods to be universal and beneficial to any project.

 When solving a problem, I strive to involve everyone. I believe that all stakeholders can and should contribute towards a project in order for it to be successful. It fascinates me to engage with people and communities throughout the whole design process and to see the results that this produces. 

To do so I utilise methods of co-creation and co-design. I enjoy creating and testing out new methods and tools to collaborate with people from a variety of backgrounds. What really brings me joy is exploring daily life and gathering insights. I believe that collecting, engaging with and using these findings to design services, systems and products is what characterises and strengthens my process.