Social and Strategic Design
 This project took place over 20 weeks. The first ten weeks were dedicated to research regarding the target group and problems occurring within the group. The second ten weeks were dedicated to the development and design of a product to cater to the


Lumee was developed as my graduation project fo Wunderpeople and Staedion. Lumee is a device which helps tenants monitor and reduce their use of energy at home.It consist of a non-invasive energy meter including sensor, housing and two micro controllers. It is completely DIY and can be assembled and installed by the user themselves

 This project took place over 20 weeks. The first ten weeks were dedicated to research regarding the target group and problems occurring within the group. The second ten weeks were dedicated to the development and design of a product to cater to the

This project took place over 20 weeks. The first ten weeks were dedicated to research regarding the target group and problems occurring within the group. The second ten weeks were dedicated to the development and design of a product to cater to the research results.

The clients brief asked for DIY kit which helps tenants in the low income area of Moerwijk, Den Haag live more sustainable. The background for the project were the ongoing renovations of housing in the area through Staedion to achieve more sustainable housing as well as the compliance of local and national climate goals.

Tenants are not involved in the process of living more sustainable and do not care for it. The client asked for a design solution which help to solve this issue.

 To ensure the design will be accepted within the community I did a lot of user testing sessions, working with the tenants towards an easy to assemble and useable design

To ensure the design will be accepted within the community I did a lot of user testing sessions, working with the tenants towards an easy to assemble and useable design
